Beyond Fertilizer -- Sustainable biosolids fertilizer
Sustainable and Organic Fertilizer Solutions for Your Farm and Beyond -- Return is dedicated to the future of farming because we were farmers first. That’s why we bring sustainable soil management and enhancement products to market that make sense on our ground and in yours. To build a sustainable, regenerative farming future, and increase yields along the way, today’s crop nutrients need to work better than synthetics at supplying slow-release fertilizer and organic matter to the ground.
Return is a family-owned business in southeastern Minnesota specializing in organic poultry litter and sustainable biosolids fertilizer sales and application. Return fertilizer products can feed your crops, regenerate your soil, add organic matter complete with micro and macro-nutrients, and increase soil fertility for any agriculture effort.
We are farmers, first
Based in rural southeastern Minnesota, we specialize in poultry litter fertilizer, biosolids fertilizer and livestock bedding sales, supplying, and application. Our agriculture products will fertilize and add organic matter back into your soil, regenerate your soil, and increase soil fertility for generations to come. All without the use of synthetic fertilizers or short-sighted solutions. Whether you are hoping to regenerate your soil, increase soil fertility, or increase organic matter in your soil, our slow-release fertilizers will help you achieve your goals. It’s time to think beyond fertilizers. It’s time to think Return.
Learn more about our sustainable and organic fertilizer products for your farm Address: 11972 County 2, Stewartville, MN 55976 Email: hi@returnco.com Contact: Phone: (507) 201-9248 FAX: